About Designer and His Creative Work Behind WinbreakerStudio

Photo of: John Nguyen

About The Designer

The person behind WinbreakerStudio is John Nguyen (Last name is pronounced: Win). I am a Graphic Designer that likes to specialize in Web Development, Ui/Ux, and Branding but I am also adept in other forms of graphic design like Package Designs, Photography, and Animating. My passion is to work with clients on Branding, Website Design, and User Interface/Experience Design. As I talk about my passion, I might as well talk about my motivation to take this career.

My main motivation is to strive for improvement in my craft and I simply enjoy this type of work. In terms of my personality outside of business, I like to bring positivity and proper reason to conversations whenever I can, I am also one who’s available for varying deadlines. In terms of academics, I am a Graduate who earned a Bachelor’s degree in Graphics, Multimedia, and Webdesign at New England Institute of Technology.

Background Story

It all started in school, I was asked to what I want to be when I grow up and I didn’t know, so then I decided to take electives based on personal preference. I first started with 2 electives, one that is tech-based and standard classes. After a series of good grades on the tech-based classes which was an improvement compared to the standard, I decided to go for an art class and a non-artistic class on my 2nd year. I passed the art class without problems, which lead me to a Graphic arts class.

During the period I decided to ask instructors and guidance counselors in order to make some flyers for a few of the clubs, I ended up making a few flyers for clubs and events by the end of the year. On the 3rd year, I decided to join a club I made a flyer for, to gain some social communication skills, I also made some physical designs like Tags and bevels on signs. In the end, I decided to become a Graphic Designer through experience.

I went to NEIT(New England Institute of Technology) to work on my major, that’s when I learned the majority of my Typography, Photography, Branding, way-finding, etc.. I started with decent work and improved within the next 3-4 tries. I felt like I have a better grasp of what the artistic side of the field.

Later on, I learned about the entire business part of the major and learned that the field is not as easy going as I hoped it would be but I still find it manageable to maintain a good living out of this. I find it’s best to learn through trial & error along with external help.

Why WinbreakerStudio?

I decided to make WinbreakerStudio as my first portfolio, in a web layout. Along with that I also created WinbreakerStudio as a way to start my career as a Graphic Designer. Currently, I specialize in Web, Logo, Branding, Product, and User Interface Design. Before WinbreakerStudio the brand was Windesign Check out my Early Self Identity Branding page to find out how I first started the brand and the construction of the logo you currently see. As the year progresses, I went from Windesign to Windbreaker and finally, the one you currently see, WinbreakerStudio. As for the future of the brand, I hope to continue applying improvements to the brand’s entirety.