1st Photo Challenge Successfully Accomplished

1st Photo Challenge Successfully Accomplished

How it’s Done

When making the photographs, I used flash units, boards that are white in color, and a room that is moderately lighted, sometimes the room is pitch black to minimize light contamination. As for equipment, I use the Cannon displayed below arranged around a black table in a living room with little backlighting. as I took the images there was enough light so that the bounce card that overhands the entire setup makes enough light refraction from the products in display.


The Method

I started to use a flash unit under the platform where the photographed products are resting, then I use the white board (bounce card) so the light projected from the flash unit will bounce to the product and into frame without overexposing the produced image. With the correct shutter speed and the correct ISO.

Minor Issues

When capturing the photo, I noticed some faded circles on the lens. When taking the photo and the flash unit fired, the light that ended up going into the lens of the camera revealed some lens dirt. Most of the time lens dirt causes contamination to the photo. However, the lens dirt can cause a good subtle glitter effect, the only way to make a Lens dirt stain look good is to make the lens dirt EXTREMELY subtle. Usually, lens dirt is tough to encounter due to light contamination.