Category Archives: Illustrations


5 Effective Ways to Save your Restaurant from Financial Famine It is always a struggle to keep up with competition as a #restaurant. Adding the fact that your competition is vastly succeeding will make the struggle overwhelming. Finally, every #restaurant is dealing with #financialfamine because of a lack of customers these days. Well here’s a solution to some of your problems when you’re stumped…

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How it’s Done When making this animated logo, I started setting the document size to 250×250 pixels running at 24 FPS (Frames Per Second). Doing this will set the minimum file size for the Animated Logo GIF while maintaining a decent appearance for the GIF. The Fades I later used the WIN Logo and pressed Control/Command + B to break apart the logo then…

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Catalog This is a Product catalog, a follow-up for the Product Photography, This contains all product photos and a few tricks were used for providing a proper theme and style to best fit with the provided photography. Tricks When using InDesign I used the frame tool to have a sampled wood texture in the background, it was first a square, then for the circular…

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