Cinemagraph 3 – (NEIT)

Cinemagraph 3 – (NEIT)

What’s a Cinemagraph?

The process of making cinemagraphs looks easy but it is misleading when it comes to making them different from animated GIFs is the mentality behind the animation. Sure cinemagraphs show a specific part of a photograph to be animated, but it has to have a sense that everything around the subject is supposed to move.


Without my time learning in NEIT, I wouldn’t be in the current position to pull off high quality content for people other than friends to notice. so I decided to go with making a Cinemagraph featuring a familiar scene to the students of NEIT, the glass stairwell, just above the koi pond. I also decided to capture the person walking down the stairwell, thankfully they briefly looked at their phone and looked like they’re about to finish a task. Which fits the slogan “Turn your passion to a great career” by showing initiative, the person displayed is taking initiative wile walking down the stairs.

How it’s made.

When making this Cinemagraph I had to find a good place to frame the camera, to avoid privacy issues for anyone who is walking between the camera and up/down the stairwell, this way, the person’s face is either facing away from the camera, or not be in the camera at all. After setting up I lift the camera running for a good 2 minutes, and clipped a person walking down facing away from the camera. This helps differentiate a cinemagraph and an animated GIF because of “water suspension”. Completely freezing the water and unfreezing the person. When working on this Cinemagraph I learned that sometimes thinking about a typical shy person’s necessity to never show their face to the camera pays off, for both the photographer and the person in the camera’s line of sight.


I started off with the idea of making a cinemagraph featuring the coffee store next to the stairwell, the idea was scrapped didn’t work because of the camera’s positioning causing the cinemagraph to break a loop and become something undesirable. So then I decided to go with a partial waterfall scene with a person walking down the stairs.
