Red Barn Coffee Rebrand

Red Barn Coffee Rebrand

Changing the Logo

When I was assigned with rebranding Read Barn Coffee Roasters, I didn’t like how the original logo was an old fashioned stamp, so i decided to go with a more Bold and Rough font, I was stuck to the thought of being in a red barn house so I went with the questions “What makes a barn house distinctive?” I went with the roofing and a coffee cup chimney. the company also has a habit of never staying with the same Logo.

By: Red Barn Coffee Roasters
Original logo

The Process

When Creating the logo, I sampled colors from an image of a barn house. and Sampled a variety of fonts, to fins 2 that corresponds with the certain theme I am aiming for. A rusted metal feel along with the type of comfort you usually get form being near a barn house. The thought of “what makes RedBarn more unique then competing coffee roasters?” so i looked on their website. I found no results of unique selling expect for the nitro drinks and some merchandise sold separately, so i decided to bundle some snacks and coffebeans based on the culture each bag of beans. Colombian coffee beans with Colombian chocolates or snacks.

By: John Nguyen
Phone Mockup

Mobile Layout

During the rebrand, I inspected shopping part of the website and found a problem with their packaging and how they sell their stuff, the packaging isn’t as good as expected and the way they sell isn’t different or “unique” compared to other companies. So I thought of, Selling their stuff in bundles, assuming that they can have that as a limited time specialty AND if the company has a good flow of income, then the company can have the packages as an everyday product bundle for sale.


These are some mock-ups of the rebrand on sample merchandise and signage. Adding a white border to the logo gives the logo a “pop” when placed over a dark background. For light backgrounds the logo itself is fine (Refer to Coffee cup (White)) and the bottom text “Coffee Roasters” shows emphasis on what the company is, the reason why I went for RED BARN is because I want to make the RED BARN part of the company distinctive, the thought of “i got this from red barn!” or “lets go to red barn!”, followed by “what is Red barn?” then the name of the company goes to place.