Financial Famine infograph – Instagram post

Financial Famine infograph – Instagram post

5 Effective Ways to Save your Restaurant from Financial Famine

It is always a struggle to keep up with competition as a #restaurant. Adding the fact that your competition is vastly succeeding will make the struggle overwhelming. Finally, every #restaurant is dealing with #financialfamine because of a lack of customers these days. Well here’s a solution to some of your problems when you’re stumped in ideas. Here are some #ideas that will help with enhancing your customer’s #experience and possibly cause them to become returning customers, a huge benefit to your #business. What are you waiting for? Let’s rescue your #restaurant from this #financialfamine everyone is dealing with! Visit or comment below to find more strategies to avoid #financialfamine.

What does the infographic provide?

Online Ordering

Investing time into making online ordering an extension to your restaurant is a crucial step during the 2020 outbreak. Instead of thinking of the 2020 outbreak, online ordering is also beneficial overall. In fact, 60% of U.S. consumers order delivery or takeout once a week.

Website Setup

There’s always an opportunity of creating a website to improve your business, especially when your business depends on online communication. Creating a website will help attract, organize, and establish customers for your business. When creating a website, you need to provide good services to create returning customers. having a website will attract 57% of guests who viewed the restaurant’s websites before selecting where to dine.

Service Improvement

Improving services through both takeout and delivery is crucial for a restaurant business in 2020, a record of 92% of consumers read restaurant reviews before selecting the place for them to dine. A restaurant focusing on delivery and takeout services is important but just as important is setting up good online services. With good online services, people will stay on your website, social media page/feed and will give you higher rankings on Google resulting in easier access for customers to visit your site and your social media.

Tablet setup

When having outdoor services for your customers, it’s best to supply a server tablet at each table. Having server tablets improves sanitation and social distancing, very helpful for restaurants during the 2020 outbreak. About 68% of customers agree that the use of server tablets improves their restaurant experience, now think about implementing the tablets at outdoor tables. 

Mobile Menu

When you have your website available and your tablets set up, a solid mobile menu is crucial for your customers. A solid mobile menu is a core feature to your customer’s experience and a key to bring customers back to your restaurant’s service. A well designed, very responsive mobile menu will provide ergonomics for both staff and customers. providing a good theme from constructing a mobile menu will attract more of the younger audience, as 86% of Millennials say they enjoy experimenting with products form different cultures.

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