“The Judge is an A.I.” – Magazine Cover

“The Judge is an A.I.” – Magazine Cover


Magazines and news articles are talking about artificial intelligence being implemented into the court system. The purpose for this magazine cover is to spread awareness of this information and have people wondering about the pros and cons for having Artificial intelligence in the court. Having the magazine method, it is good to let people who don’t often go to the internet know what is going on in our current time.


The government is now deciding if implementing artificial intelligence in the court system and taking the role of the judge to be a good addition to the court system. Articles about this subject is all over the internet and the public is also wondering if artificial intelligence is a good idea for the court system.


When creating this magazine cover, the first challenge was finding a good orientation for displaying H1, H2, and other article headlines in the same page to make it readable yet aesthetic. The second challenge was making a 3d model of the subject, the whole idea of the law and tech, it was first a circuit board with a check or an X. The idea was scrapped and went with a Cyber Lady Justice which was also scrapped because it would be too complicated to make a 3d model of the statue.

Later on, I started with the idea of a robotic arm holding the scale for a 3d model. The idea was also scrapped because the thought of people not recognizing the symbol as the scale of justice. I finally went with a control box with circuit board that has a judge’s gavel as a part of the circuit board.

How I Help (Solution)

Bringing this topic helps people understand that technology is advancing very quickly even as we speak and as previously stated the magazine reaches out to people who aren’t up-to-date because of a lack of Internet. Making this magazine cover helps people know what to do for the future when AI is present within our daily lives by making the audience aware of changes now.

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